05 September 2009

Bend, OR

Emerged from a ten-day schwag beer hibernation to catch Scandinavian psych-rock heroes Dungen downtown, only to suffer an irreversible camera-on-concrete collision. Too bad; they put on a marvelously sweaty performance with all the epic fuzzed-out guitar solos and subtle organ interludes one could handle. It was clearly a sign to gain a different perspective. Thus, on to the much-hyped Bend for some adventures in the Great Outdoors.

Bend is Oregon's 21st century boomtown, thanks in large part to the high and dry climate and close proximity to outdoor adventuring. Since Oregon is so progressive and liberal, I was hoping to see some sterling examples of forward-thinking sustainable development, the sort of which will set a positive example for suburban desert expansion. Unfortunately, all I saw was the usual endless fields of nondescript condos (nary a solar panel in sight, despite Bend's sunny disposition) and the requisite golf courses in the middle of barren and parched land...how's that for water conservation? Wholly biased and ill-informed opinions aside, the Deschutes Brewery gives ample opportunity to indulge in their excellent beverages. Their Black IPA is pure genius, but unfortunately it's not available at your local 7-11.

Into the heart of the Three Sisters Wilderness. A lovely slice of earth, but if the weather rolls in, it can be a real bitch, especially if you happen to be a chump dead-set on summiting South Sister in spite of the fact it is bathed in fierce winds and impenetrable clouds. Better off relaxing with a frothy brew and waiting for another day.

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