Dunedin was to be my final urban experience before committing to life in the bush. The hostel was ghostly quiet, with the exception of some Greenpeace canvassers having a self-righteously vegetarian meal and sharing their solicitation experiences of the week. "Have you made a New Years Resolution yet? How about saving the planet?" was going to be the season's hit opening line. Brought back Oregon flashbacks, so I headed to the Speight's Brewery to learn why their beer sucks so much. Must be the water, which gushed from a spigot outside the brewery and attracts cheap bastards who want to fill their drinking water vessels gratis. Forced to endure some pretty awful "Southern Man" commercials, which sorta blatantly steals from the Marlborough Man, but Southern Man carries cans of beer in his rucksack when he's out wrangling. You would think whiskey travels better...
The girl from the Czech Republic we met on the trail in Manapouri assured us that the highlight of Duedin was the Otago Peninsula, home to the rare yellow-eyed penguins, not-quite-as-rare albatross, and so-ubiquitous-they're annoying seals. Perched high in the middle was a colossally pretentious castle with well-manicured garden, undoubtedly owned by someone who was a pain in the ass to deal with.
After a few beverages in the Octagon (which was subdued since the university hoodlums are home for the summer) I went to see a prog metal show. Unfortunately, the band was clearly treading in Classic Rock territory, but they were amusing nonetheless. The singer had fabulous Sammy Hagar-esque hair and the drunken punters in attendance were worth the $5 cover charge alone.
After 7 weeks of putzing around, I figured it's time to set up a semi-permanent base of operations. On to Franz Josef, about as far from Portland as you can get (in a number of ways). Nevertheless, the 8 months of being an Unemployed Homeless Veteran came to an end, ushering the dirtbag expat era.
After a few beverages in the Octagon (which was subdued since the university hoodlums are home for the summer) I went to see a prog metal show. Unfortunately, the band was clearly treading in Classic Rock territory, but they were amusing nonetheless. The singer had fabulous Sammy Hagar-esque hair and the drunken punters in attendance were worth the $5 cover charge alone.
After 7 weeks of putzing around, I figured it's time to set up a semi-permanent base of operations. On to Franz Josef, about as far from Portland as you can get (in a number of ways). Nevertheless, the 8 months of being an Unemployed Homeless Veteran came to an end, ushering the dirtbag expat era.